
Application of Cloud Storage on BIM Life-cycle Management

来源:   作者:  发布时间:2015年03月16日  点击量:

Ding, LY (Ding,Lieyun); Xu, X (Xu, Xun)



AbstractBecause of itshigh information intensity, strong consistency andconvenient visualization features, building information modelling (BIM) hasreceived widespread attention in the fields of construction and projectmanagement. However, due to large amounts of information, high integration, theneed for resource sharing between various departments, the long time-span ofthe BIM application, challenges relating to data interoperability, security andcost all slow down the adoption of BIM. This paper constructs a BIM cloudstorage concept system using cloud storage, an advanced computer technology, tosolve the problem of mass data processing, information security, and costproblems in the existing application of BIM to full life-cycle management. Thissystem takes full advantage of the cloud storage technique. Achievements arereached in four areas of BIM information management, involving security andlicensing management, file management, work process management andcollaborative management. The system expands the time and space scales,improves the level of participation, and reduces the cost of BIM. The constructionof the BIM cloud storage system is one of the most important directions of thedevelopment of BIM, which benefits the promotion and further development of BIMto better serve construction and engineering project management.

Keywords:Full Life-cycle BIM,Mass Data Processing, Information Security, Information Collaboration