
Constructionrisk knowledge management in BIM using ontology and semantic web technology

来源:   作者:  发布时间:2017年02月20日  点击量:

Constructionrisk knowledge management in BIM using ontology and semantic web technology

L.Y. Ding, B.T. Zhong, S.Wu, H.B. Luo

The development of Building InformationModelling provides a visual and information-rich environment to incorporate theconstruction risk knowledge in the domain of safety management. Ontology andsemantic web technology offer an opportunity to enable such domain knowledge tobe represented semantically. This paper attempts to take advantage of thestrength of BIM, ontology and semantic web technology to establish anontology-based methodology/framework for construction risk knowledge managementin BIM environment. The risk knowledge is modelled into an ontology-basedsemantic network to produce a risk map, from which the interdependences betweenrisks, risk paths can be inferred semantically. Based on the semantic retrievalmechanism, the applicable knowledge is dynamically linked to the specificobjects in the BIM environment. Based on the methodology, a prototype system isdeveloped as a tool to facilitate the construction risk knowledge managementand reuse in hope of indirectly improving the construction risk analysis process.A case application is implemented to demonstrate the risk prevention throughconstruction process/method selection, including the risk factorsidentification, risk paths reasoning and risk prevention plan recommendation.Finally, a questionnaire survey highlights the potential benefits andlimitations on the deployment of such system.

Keywords:Constructionrisk; BIM; Ontology; Semantic web technology
