

来源:   作者:  发布时间:2024年07月15日  点击量:



2)考虑材料非线性和连接面接触非线性的影响,建立拓扑互锁自复位剪力墙构件的 3D 精确实体有限元模型,通过大量的数值计算和抗震性能分析,确定了合理的拓扑互锁面曲面方程。研究了拓扑互锁连接面曲面方程参数对自复位剪力墙滞回性能的影响,并研究了曲面设计参数、剪力墙的弯矩比例值和预应力钢筋的张拉应力对墙体滞回性能的影响;通过数值分析发现,使用拓扑互锁面连接的自复位剪力墙与平面连接的自复位剪力墙相比,力学性能有较大的提高。



The prestressed self-resetting shear wall is made of prefabricated concrete components connected by post-tensioned prestressed tendons. This type of structure has strong selfrecovery ability after significant deformation and minimal structural damage under strong earthquakes. Topological interlocking materials and structures have high tolerance to local damage, adjustable bending stiffness and load-bearing capacity, high impact energy absorption, and self-resetting capabilities. Therefore, this paper combines the advantages of both and proposes a self-resetting shear wall structure based on topological interlocking. The seismic performance of this new structure is studied through quasi-static tests and numerical simulations as follows:
(1) Design and fabricate a self-resetting concrete shear wall test specimen with superior performance parameters. Conduct low-cycle reciprocating loading tests to study the failure mechanism, energy dissipation capacity, and repairability of the specimen. The results show that the shear wall connected by topological interlocking surfaces has better mechanical properties, and the self-resetting ability of the components is improved.
(2) Considering the nonlinearity of materials and the contact nonlinearity of the connection surfaces, a 3D precise solid finite element model of the self-resetting concrete shear wall component with topological interlocking function is established. Through extensive numerical calculations and seismic performance analysis, a reasonable topological interlocking surface curve equation is determined. The study investigates the effect of the topological interlocking connection surface curve equation parameters on the hysteresis performance of the self-resetting shear wall, as well as the influence of the surface design parameters, the bending moment ratio of the shear wall, and the tensile stress of the prestressed tendons on the wall’s hysteresis performance. Preliminary numerical analysis found that the performance of the self-resetting shear wall connected by topological interlocking surfaces is significantly improved compared to the wall connected by planar surfaces.
(3) Study the reasonable design calculation model of the prestressed self-resetting steel-reinforced concrete shear wall structure with topological interlocking function under minor and major earthquakes. Research the seismic design method and design process for the prestressed self-resetting steel-reinforced concrete shear wall with topological interlocking function. Through a computational example of seismic reinforcement of a frame structure, it is verified that the addition of a self-resetting shear wall can effectively reduce the maximum floor displacement, inter-story drift angle, residual displacement, and other seismic responses of the structure. It can also change the deformation mode of the structure and prevent the destruction of the weak layer at the bottom of the structure.

Key words: pre-stressing, self-centering shear walls, topological interlocking, seismic performance, numerical analysis