
月面 3D 打印建筑结构参数化设计与优化技术研究

来源:   作者:  发布时间:2024年07月15日  点击量:

月面 3D 打印建筑结构参数化设计与优化技术研究


随着航空航天技术的不断进步,人类对外太空的探索脚步日益延伸,而月球作为距离地球最近的天然卫星,在月球上建造一个可适宜人类居住的基地这一愿景正迫切地期待被实现。 由于太空运输成本高昂,利用月面原位资源 3D 建造月球基地更具有前景。因此,本研究的目标是基于月面极端环境条件,设计可通过原位资源 3D 建造的月球建筑基本构型,并针对结构在月面极端环境的热力荷载作用进行仿真分析,以结构多个关键性能为目标优化设计参数,得到最佳的月面 3D 打印建筑结构设计方案,为月面原位建造结构设计与优化提供技术思路。
3D 打印建造的技术特点出发,提出一个蛋壳形双层中空加肋的月面打印建筑基本构型,按照从内到外的生成逻辑确定了打印结构的九个关键设计参数,分析了参数化设计的特点和优势,通过参数化设计工具 Rhino & Grasshopper 建立了打印结构模型。在此基础上,考虑了低重力、大温变以及两者耦合作用三种工况下打印结构的性能表现,通过有限元分析工具 Abaqus 6 个不同设计参数的打印结构进行仿真模拟,仿真结果表明: 打印结构的应力及变形量均满足建筑结构要求。 进一步地,以可利用空间最大、保温性能最好、建造材料消耗量最低为优化目标,建立打印结构多目标优化模型,采用非支配排序遗传算法 NSGA-Ⅱ求解多目标优化问题,并与SPEA2PESA-Ⅱ算法优化得到的帕累托解集进行比较,验证了 NSGA-Ⅱ算法的有效性和优越性。最后,针对优化得到的最佳打印结构设计方案,在地面环境下开展混凝土 3D 打印实验,打印了 1.2m 缩尺建筑结构,验证了设计的月面地基结构可通过 3D打印的方式建造而成。
3D 打印建筑结构的参数化设计技术,并建立了多目标优化模型,采用非支配排序遗传算法对建筑结构进行优化,开展打印实验进行验证,为月面建筑结构设计优化与建造提出了解决方案



With the continuous advancement of aerospace technology, human exploration of outer space has been increasingly extended, and the moon, as the closest natural satellite to the Earth, is eagerly looking forward to the realization of the vision of constructing a base on the moon that can be suitable for human habitation. Due to the high cost of space transportation, it is more promising to utilize in-situ resources on the lunar surface 3D to build a lunar base. Therefore, the objective of this study is to design the basic configuration of a lunar base building that can be constructed by 3D construction of in-situ resources based on the extreme environmental conditions on the lunar surface, simulate and analyze the thermal loading of the structure in the extreme environment on the lunar surface, and optimize the design parameters by targeting the multiple key properties of the structure, so as to get the optimal structural design of the 3D-printed building on the lunar surface, and to provide a technological solution for the design and optimization of the lunar surface insitu construction structure. Idea.
In this study, starting from the technical characteristics of 3D printing construction, we propose a basic configuration of an eggshell-shaped double-layer hollow-plus-ribbed lunar surface printed building, determine the nine key design parameters of the printed structure according to the generating logic from the inside to the outside, analyze the characteristics and advantages of the parametric design, and establish a model of the printed structure through the parametric design tool Rhino & Grasshopper. On this basis, the performance of the printed structure under three working conditions of low gravity, large temperature change and the coupling of the two is considered, and the simulation of the printed structure with six different design parameters is carried out by the finite element analysis tool Abaqus, and the simulation results show that the stresses and deformations of the printed structure meet the requirements of the building structure. Further, the multi-objective optimization model of the print structure is established with the optimization objectives of maximum available space, best heat preservation performance, and minimum construction material consumption, and the non-dominated sorted genetic algorithm (NSGA-II) is used to solve the multi-objective optimization problem, and the Pareto solution set obtained from the optimization of SPEA2 and PESA-II algorithms is compared with the Pareto solution set obtained by SPEA2 and PESA-II algorithms, to validate the validity and superiority of the NSGA-II algorithm. Finally, for the best printed structure design scheme obtained by optimization, concrete 3D printing experiments are carried out in the ground environment, and 1.2m and 1.5m scaled-down architectural structures are printed, which verifies that the designed lunar surface foundation structure can be constructed by means of 3D printing.
Lunar base construction is an important foundation for human beings to realize longterm exploration of the lunar environment and exploitation of lunar resources. This study proposes a parametric design idea of 3D printed building structure on the lunar surface, and establishes a multi-objective optimization model, adopts a suitable algorithm to optimize the building structure, carries out printing experiments for verification, and proposes a solution for the optimization of the design and construction of the lunar base.

Key words: Lunar building structure; Parametric design; Multi-objective optimization; concrete 3D printing