

来源:   作者:  发布时间:2024年07月17日  点击量:



数字技术正在重塑世界经济版图,数字经济发展势在必行。数字化新情景下,建筑企业进行数字化转型已成为必然选择。动态能力理论能够指导企业更好适应变革,因而更加受到学术界和企业的重视。 研究建筑企业如何构建和发展数字化情景下的动态能力, 对于加快推进建筑企业数字化转型具有重要的意义。
通过对建筑企业数字化转型的发展现状、存在问题和路径模式,以及动态能力的概念与内涵进行梳理, 总结出动态能力对建筑企业数字化转型有重要促进作用。再进一步明确建筑企业动态能力的维度, 识别数字化情景下的建筑企业动态能力影响因素, 选取个人层面的管理者数字化认知、员工创新行为和组织层面的组织学习、组织结构自变量,以及冗余资源和环境动态性两个调节变量,提出建筑企业动态能力构建路径。 运用结构方程模型对动态能力构建路径进行检验,并用多元回归分析对影响因素作用机制和调节效应进行分析, 得出管理者数字化认知和组织结构对动态能力及其三个维度具有正向影响作用,组织学习对感知能力有正向影响作用,冗余资源和环境动态性对管理者数字化认知、组织学习与动态能力的关系有正向调节效应。最后,围绕构建管理者数字化认知结构、培养数字化人才、促进资源可持续发展、 实施差异化策略、建设学习型组织、提升冗余资源动态调配能力、实现内部协同效应等方面对建筑企业动态能力构建提出对策和建议。
通过对建筑企业动态能力的维度、影响因素以及构建路径进行研究探索, 为理解建筑企业动态能力的形成和发展机制提供了新的视角和理论支持, 丰富了动态能力理论研究内容, 拓展了动态能力理论的应用场景, 为建筑企业激发和提升动态能力提供指导, 帮助建筑企业更加有针对性地开展数字化转型,为建筑产业可持续发展做出积极贡献。



Digital technology is reshaping the world's economic landscape, and the development of digital economy is imperative. Under the new scenario of digitalization, it has become an inevitable choice for construction enterprises to carry out digital transformation. Dynamic capability theory can guide enterprises to better adapt to the change, and thus it has been more emphasized by academics and enterprises. It is of great significance to study how construction enterprises build and develop dynamic capabilities under the digital scenario to accelerate the digital transformation of construction enterprises.
By sorting out the development status quo, problems and path modes of digital transformation of construction enterprises, as well as the concept and connotation of dynamic capability, it is concluded that dynamic capability has an important role in promoting the digital transformation of construction enterprises. Then further clarify the dimensions of dynamic capabilities of construction enterprises and identify the factors influencing dynamic capabilities of construction enterprises under digitalization scenarios. The study proposes the construction path of dynamic capabilities of construction enterprises by selecting the independent variables of managers' digital cognition and employees' innovative behaviors at the individual level and organizational learning and organizational structure at the organizational level, as well as the two moderating variables of redundant resources and environmental dynamics. Structural equation modeling was used to test the dynamic competence construction path, and multiple regression analysis was used to analyze the influencing factors' mechanisms and moderating effects. It is concluded that managers' digital cognition and organizational structure have a positive influence on dynamic capability and its three dimensions, organizational learning has a positive influence on perceived capability, and redundant resources and environmental dynamics have a positive moderating effect on the relationship between managers' digital cognition, organizational learning and dynamic capability. Finally, countermeasures and suggestions for the formation of dynamic capabilities of construction enterprises are put forward around the construction of digital cognitive structure of managers, cultivation of digital talents, promotion of sustainable development of resources, implementation of differentiation strategy, construction of learning organization, enhancement of dynamic deployment capacity of redundant resources, and realization of internal synergistic effect.
By researching and exploring the dimensions, influencing factors, and construction path of dynamic capabilities of construction enterprises, it provides a new perspective and theoretical support for understanding the formation and development mechanism of dynamic capabilities of construction enterprises, enriches the content of dynamic capabilities theory research, and expands the application scenario of dynamic capabilities theory. It provides guidance for construction enterprises to stimulate and enhance dynamic capabilities, helps them carry out digital transformation in a more targeted manner, and makes positive contributions to the sustainable development of the construction industry.

Key words: Digital scene, Construction enterprises, Dynamic capability, Managers' Digital Cognition, Organizational learning