

来源:   作者:  发布时间:2014年01月21日  点击量:




第三,对广州市保障性住房需求增量与供应量进行了测算与设计。选用广州市辖十区城镇居民最低生活保障人数作为自变量,利用组合预测模型,对未来五年广州市城市低收入住房困难家庭的新增数量进行预测。在预测过程中,单一模型的选择包括:幂函数回归分析(Power 模型)、线性回归分析(Linear Regression 模型)、对数回归分析(Logarithmic Regression 模型)以及相关灰色预测模型。通过冗余检验后,构建组合预测模型,有效改善了模型的拟合能力,提高了预测精度。同时,结合本次住房调查中所获得的低收入住房困难家庭的住房保障意愿,提出了广州市未来五年各类住房保障供应量的设计方案。





This dissertation summarizes the latestresearches made on housing security home and abroad, and use for reference thesuccessful experiences of housing security policies and the system operation insome countries and regions to build, within the actual context of Guangzhou’ssecurity housing construction and management, a theoretical framework ofhousing security, and a model for analysis and forecasting that is applied toempirical research. In this way, the dissertation provides theoretically andpractically a scientific foundation on which the government can make decisionson the building of housing security system and the improvement of policies.

Firstly, the dissertation studies thetheoretical mechanism of housing security and borrows ideas from practices homeand abroad. The theoretical base of this dissertation is decided after thesummary of research results achieved by Chinese and foreign scholars. At themeantime, the dissertation studies and compares the experiences of somecountries and cities in the field of housing security, so as to provide areference framework for solving housing problems of urban low-income familiesthat have housing problem.

Secondly, the dissertation analyzes thehousing demand characteristics of low-income families that have housingproblem. An investigation of the housing status of such people is made as thefoundation of the dissertation’s empirical research. Through deep data mining,we get a clear picture of the housing status and demand characteristics of low-incomeurban people who have difficulty affording a house, as well as special demandsof families that have in them seriously ill or crippled persons, which will bean important basis on which future social security housing policies may bedevised.

Thirdly, the dissertation makes forecastfor the supply of social security housing of Guangzhou through combinedforcasting modle. Single model selecting include Power Model, Linear RegressionModel, Logarithmic Regression Model, and forecasting Models related to GreyTheory. Because the degree of fitting of the combined model used in the estimationof minimum living security number is the highest, the result achieved by this methodis adopted as the estimated increase of low-income families that havedifficulty affording a house.

Fourthly, the dissertation buildsGuangzhou’s housing security system. After in-depth analysis of relevantissues, this dissertation offers advices on how to improve the housing securitysystem of Guangzhou in such respects as management mechanism of housing security,supply system of affordable housing, planning and construction of socialsecurity housing, after service and management of affordable housing, financialsupport for social security housing, and affordable housing for special groups.

The last part of the dissertation evaluatesthe effect of Guangzhou’s social security houing policy in implementation. Theevaluation mainly includes investigation of the reasons why people abandonedtheir rights to purchase affordable housing in the last two batches offered inGuangzhou and investigation of the reasons of why residents of low-rent houseviolated relevant regulations. On the basis of series of investigation on the socialresponse and effect of the implementation of relevant policies, thedissertation conducts follow-up research on the execution of policies andevaluation of such implementation, and offers forecast of the futuredevelopment of housing security policies.

Key words: Housing security system;Low-income families; Security housing; Demand analysis; Combined forecast