

来源:   作者:  发布时间:2014年02月19日  点击量:


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21 世纪,世界各国普遍认识到:解决城市的交通问题的根本出路在于优先发展以轨道交通为骨干的城市公共交通系统。城市轨道交通以其运量大、快速、准点、环保等特点,在解决城市交通拥堵,改善城市空间结构,保护城市环境和促进城市可持续发展等方面有重要作用。但是,从各城市轨道交通的建设经营现状看,大多数轨道交通处于政府补贴状态,赢利水平低,目前只有香港、伦敦、东京私铁等少数几家运营盈利。





关键词:城市轨道交通   外部性   公共产品   内在化   土地增值   特征价格法


   Twenty  first  century,  it  is  generally  realized  by  all  the  countries  in  the  world  thatdeveloping  the  public  transit  system  is  the  fundamental  way  to  solve  the  city  transitproblem.  The  urban  rail  transit  is  characteristic  in  large  transit  quality,  quick  rapid  andgood  environment  protection,  so  it  takes  great  effect  in solving  city  transit  jams,improving  city  space  structure,  protecting  city  environment  and  promoting  citysustainable development. Howeveraccording to the constructing and operating actuality,most urban rail transits are still allowanced by the government with a low profit except Honkong, London and Tokyo.         As quasi city public goods, the urban rail transit has great externality. According toWestern  Economics , this  paper make  a  classifying,  analyzing,  evaluating  andinternalizing research on the externality, in order to minimize the negative externality of the urban rail transit and maximize the positive one.

   Firstly,  the  urban  rail  transit  externality  is  classified  into  the  positive  and  thenegative  according  to the  effect  of  the  externality  influence.  For  the  negative,countermeasures  are  presented  respectively.  According to  the  benefit  of  the  supplysubject,  the  positive  externality  is  classified  into  the  direct  positive  externality  of  theurban rail transit and the indirect one. It would be possible for the rail transit to make aprofit  if  the direct  positive  externality  be  internalized.  Consequently, it is demonstratedthat  the  land  increment  is  biggest  direct  externality.  The  land  increment  theory  is dissertated by using Land Tax Theory.             Secondly,  this  paper  presents  the  appraisal  method  of  the  urban  rail  transitexternality,  including  ContingentValue  Method,  Land  Price  Function  Model, TransitCost  and  Land  Price  theory,  and  Hedonic  Price  Method. Primarily,  Hedonic  Price Method is presented in detail and the HPM of WuHan Rail Transit is established.

       Finally, by using the theory and city management theory, this paper puts forward thecountermeasures  to  internalize  the  positive  externality  inter  internality,  which  are  asfollowing:  Imposing  real  estate  tax  and  annual  land  tax  as  Pigou’s  view;  Having  anintegrative  zoning  between  rail  transit  and  land  use  as  city  management  theory;  As Coase’s view, having a joint development by enduing the rail transit company with thedeveloping right along the rail transit line.

   Key words: urban rail transit    externality    public goods    internality land price increment    Hedonic Price Method