(复制链接至浏览器浏览http://cdmd.cnki.com.cn/Article/CDMD-10487-1013014598.htm )
摘 要
再次,分析了同类型非合作关系下多参建单位的安全监管博弈动态演化过程;指出惩罚系数 k 的设定对控制违规建设行为的作用;分析了静态惩罚策略和动态惩罚策略的控制效果和不同违规获益单位的风险偏好。
Safety regulation is the important meansand measures to reduce the risk of the uncontrollable situation duringconstruction and to ensure the performance of safety policies. In the processof construction, different interests of dissimilar parties and the mutualinfluence make the safety regulatory issues with the characteristics of complexsystems and dynamic changes, which also make it difficult to predict andcontrol of the long-term regulatory effects. The recent studies on applicationmainly focus on the existence of evolutionary stable strategies and analysis ofcontrol strategies based on the two-person game. While during the constructionprocess, there are different types of participant, the existing literature lackof research on the multi-game under the conditions of different relations.Thus, the objective of this thesis is to investigate the dynamic procedure ofregulation multi-game between the authority and main construction participantsand to optimize the control strategy.
This thesis starts with the analysis ofrelationship of safety authority and construction participants in theregulation game. The dynamic evolution methodology combined with SystemDynamics (SD) are used to build different strategy analysis platform andoptimize the regulation polices. The theoretical analysis results are also usedin specific engineering project.
In particular, this thesis firstly developsa System Dynamic multi-game model between the authority, contractor andengineer, without or with the consideration of information delay. Thestimulation result shows after a long time, all the game players can not reachthe Nash equilibrium. For the case with information delay, the dynamicoscillation amplitude will increase,
which makes the safety regulation moredifficult. A differential regulatory strategy is proposed to deal with theunreachable Nash equilibrium and is vestified its dynamic stable effect for themodel by the stimulation result.
Subsequently, considering the boundedrationality of decision-makers, the construction safety regulation dynamicevolutionary multi-game model is investigated. Raplication dynamic equation isintroduced to descript the changes of different game parties’ strategy choices.Theory analysis and computer simulation validate the existence of evolutionarystable strategy with the application of dynamic penalty policy.
This thesis further analyzes the dynamicprocedure of regulation game considering the non-coopration relationshipsbetween the construction participants. The effect of the setting of penaltyfactor k in controlling the violation actives is investigated. Both the controleffects of static and dynamic penalties are analyzed. And the investigationshows that different participants with different violation gains have thedissimilar risk preference.
Then, with the target of strategyoptimization, a differential game model between the safety authority andconstruction participants which have different types is proposed. The studyresult shows an optimization contral strategy should consider the probabilityof the authority’s behavior. A multi-game equilibrium is obtained and isvestified with stimulation and stable theory.
Finally, this thesis introduces the designand application of the regulatory mechanism in a specific case. The safetyinformation of the construction project could be got by using the specializedsafety checklist. An applicable safety regulatory instrument based ontheoretical analysis results is proposed, and the application effect provesthat a reasonable regulatory system will help to improve the level of safetycontrol during the procedure construction.
Key words:Construction Safety;Regulation Game; Control Strategy; Dynamic Analysis; Evolutionary StableStrategy; Multi-person Evolutionary Game