

来源:   作者:  发布时间:2014年02月19日  点击量:









关键词:小城镇复合系统   可持续发展   发展协调性   可持续发展评价   横店镇


In  the  thesis,  small  town’s  development  was  discussed  as  a  complex  system  inaccordance with system theory,sustainable development of small town is studied based on the system theory, graph theory andmultiple statistics. The main results are summarized as follows:              Sustainable  development  research  directions  and  tendencies  of  domestic  and  abroadare  analyzed  and  summarized  as  the  theory  foundation  of  the  research  on  small  towns' sustainable development.

In the thesis, the architecture, constitution principle and methodology of index systemin  small  towns'  sustainable  development  is  established.  With  the  space  and  timecharacteristics  of  small  town,  we  analyzed  signification  of  each  index,  the  relationshipbetween them and the applicable scope of them. In light of the principle of index selectionwhat we constitutedthe small town sustainable development index system is presented. Wealso established a method of indexselection on base of system core and coritivity theory,the existing index of small towns' sustainable development can be simplified by using the model.        

Small  town  is  a  complex  system  composed  of  society,  economy,  resource  andenvironment.  In  the  dissertation,  the  elements  and  its  relationships  in  small  townsustainable  development  system  are  analyzed by  the  idea of  complex  system.  The  aim  ofsmall  towns'  sustainable  development  is  presented  from  the  quest  of  elements  and  itsrelationships of small town. We define the small town what we research in this paper, anddescribe the small town sustainable development by mathematics.        

The define of coordination is given by the relation of subsystem of small town, withthe  analysis  of  subsystem’  relation  in  small town,  coordinative  mechanism  of  small  towndevelopment is obtained, and give the method to analyze thecoordination based on relationof societyeconomy resourceenvironment, a assessment model of small town coordinationis  given based  on  system  theory  and  grey  system  theory  and  verified  in  Hengdian sustainable development.        

Present  assessment  methods  and  models  of  sustainable  development  are  analyzed,Integrating with the existed result and connotation of small towns' sustainable development,we point out that the connotation of small towns' sustainable development is changing fromtime  to  time,  the  terrain  characteristics  and  developing  phase  of  small  towns  are  alsodifferent,  therefore,  the  small  towns'  sustainable  development  index  is  not  static  too.  Theassessment  on  small  towns'  sustainable  development  should  base  on  the  characteristic  ofsmall  towns  themselves,  regard  the  connotation  as  their  restrictions  and  whether  theirdevelopment  is  towards  the  direction  of  a  sustainable  one  as  assessment  criterion.  In  thedissertation, We present an sustainable idea which assess whether a development is towardsthe  direction  of  sustainable  development,  but  not  assess  the  small  towns'  developmentstatus  in  quo,  and  presents  the  assessment  method  and  model  of  small  towns'  sustainabledevelopment from this idea. After all, we take Hengdiana small town in ZheJiang province as an example to testify our research work.

Keywords:Small town Complex System, Sustainable development, Development Coordination, Sustainable development Assessment, Hengdian