关键词:工程质量保证保险 多方博弈 风险分担 内在动机 地震保险
Ithas been puzzled owner for long time that the rights can not be protected effectivelywhen the quality problems incurred in the course of using. In order to solvethe contradictions, the Ministry of Construction P.R.China (CIN), the ChinaInsurance Regulatory Commission (CIRC) and the People’s Insurance Company ofChina (PICC) started up trial of the Construction Quality Insurance System(CQI) on September 19, 2006. However, the CQI has been launched for about twoyears, there is still not a successful insurance case in China. Theunreasonable risksharing mechanism between the insuer and the responsibleparties of project is the root cause that the CQI is in the dilemma. Therefore,how to build a reasonable risksharing mechanism between the insuer and theresponsible parties of project is the key problem.
Thethesis commences risksharing among the insurer and each responsible entity,and sets up the model of risksharing with multiperiod, multilevel andmultiparticipant on the basis of the game and principalagent theory. Theobject of the study is to set up a mechanism of risksharing in which the riskof CQI could allocate reasonably among the each main participant, and to makeimprovement on the system of CQI considering the earthquake risks. Its maincontents included three parts such as status analysis, theoretical research andpolicy suggestions.
Fromthe status analysis, the thesis analyses the foreign engineering qualityinsurance system. On this basis, the thesis further analyses thecharacteristics and classification of engineering quality defects and therelations among each participant in the CQI and the advantages anddisadvantages of the "Shanghai model","Fujian model" and "GuangdongShunde model" in China.
Fromthe theoretical research, in this thesis the risk faced by the insurer in thecontracting phase is analysed and the risksharing incentive contract modelbetween the insurer and the contractor is set up by the game andprincipalagent theory based on the result. The conclusions show that moreefficient contractors are willing to choose a higher powered incentive contractand exert higher effort at the optimum with singlestage, and the intrinsicmotivation has more remarkable effect on exciting the effort level of contractorthan extrinsic incentive when the contractors’ intrinsic motivation isconsidered. Then the insurer can predict the loss distribution of next yearaccording to the construction quality problem occurs in 1 year after the finalacceptance, and can judge optimal effort level of the contractor and determinethe finalpremiumwith multistage dynamic risksharing. On this basis, this thesis gives out themodel of proportion of optimal reinsurance between the insurer and the reinsurer.When the existence of rentseeking in the contractor and risk managementinstitution, the insurer could take the prevention strategy that he incents riskmanagement institution and eliminates the difference of the premium benefitsprofit between the lazy behavior and the unobserved information of thecontractor. For the irregularities of insurer to carry out the CQI, this thesisputs forward the insurance supervision departments should take the optimalregulatory strategy with higher efficiency of supervision and heavier penalty.In this thesis, based on the analyzing on the risks of the underwriting stageof the responsible parties of the CQI, the game model of the insurer and theresponsible parties is set up. The insurer will enhance the probability andamount of recovery to promote the responsible parties to work hard .
Fromthe policy suggestions, according to the research results on the sharingriskamong main participants, the thesis put forwards some suggestions for how toimprove our CQI system. In addition, for the problem that the CQI does notcover the loss of housing as a result of the earthquake, the thesis proposes settingup the model of comprehensive earthquake insurance of building based on the CQIfrom four parts as follows: the legal foundation, the risk assessment,actuarial and control system, financial risk dispersion mechanism and claimmanagement system.
Key words:Construction quality insurance multi-player game risk-sharing intrinsic motivation earthquake insurance