

来源:   作者:  发布时间:2017年10月18日  点击量:




摘 要








Metro construction in China is fast developing in recent years.As with the improvement of automation in metro equipment engineering, the number of physical interfaces between sub-systemshasincreased dramatically.Integrated test has become more and more important and interface issues play a vital role in the system final acceptance. However, the lag on integrated test management, the single-attributeof interface matching, the lack of common values among multi-disciplinary participantsunder status quo delivery methods, the lack of interfacemanagement(IM) experience of the owners have led tothe poor technology forinterface management, the fuzziness of responsibility interfaces and difficulty to clearly define and track them.IM is a very new topic in many industriesand nostudycurrently exist to assist the owners and contractors of various sub-systems inmatching the multi-attribute interfaces from the view ofintegratedmanagement. This dissertation brought up an integrated test oriented framework of multi-attributeintegratedinterfacemanagement. The framework is established based on IM theory, integrated management theory and IT theory according to the character of metroequipmentengineering and project management requirement. Moreover, this dissertation constructeda novel multi-attribute integrated interface model(IIM) and introduced aninterface conflicts coordinationmechanism. To verify thetheoreticalanalysis, a web-based integrated interface management system was developed anddescribedat last.

Firstly,based on project documents, expertise and literature reviews,this dissertationbrought up integrated test oriented framework of multi-attributeintegratedinterfacemanagementto reveal the basic line. It raised problems intraditionalworkflows and put forwarded the definition, target and details of“integratedtest oriented interface management during the whole construction period”. Then, it recognized the four attributes of interfaces in metro equipment engineering,analyzedtheir inner relationship and summarized theimplementationof multi-attribute matching path. The framework integrated ways of interfacerecognition, matching, control and coordination. Furthermore, it also reconstructed the workflow of integrated test based on the key elements of interface management andintegratedthe key points ofintegratedtest process control. At last, the framework integrated the development target of the web-based integrated interface management system on the application layer.

Subsequently,based on the framework, thisdissertationpresentedmulti-attribute integrated interface model and introduced an interface conflicts coordination mechanism.Multi-attribute integrated interface model extracts interface information from scattered technical documents and then identifies, classifies and expresses the interface information again through structured and standardized format.Besides, the model proposes approaches to calculate the exact value of matching degree for technical interface and to track responsibility interface information during the whole construction stage. The application ofa platform is introduced to verify the model.Then, this dissertation discussedInterface Value for the core players to understand the value-driven behaviors on the boundaries among owner and multiple prime contractors in complex construction projects. Value Optimization Strategy is proposed under status quo delivery methods by adjusting and reallocating interface responsibilities between related contractors. Prospects of integrated project delivery (IPD) in eliminating interface conflicts are also discussed.Itconcludes that Value Optimization Strategy and IPD-based approach are expected to eliminate interface conflicts of complex construction projects, integrate the complex supply chain and lower the potential risks for project delivery delay and cost overrun.

At last, according tothe comprehensiveresearchaboveanduserrequirement analysis, the dissertationdevelopedaweb-based integratedinterfacemanagement systemwhich integratedtechnicalmatching, time matching, responsibilitymatchand space matching of the multi-attributeinterfacesto realize the integration of IM and information of integrated test. The platform isbased on open and scalable architecture, supporting a coordinative platform for participants in IM to share, exchange, track and control interface information.

Theoretically, this dissertation built up an integrated test oriented framework of multi-attribute integrated interface management, provided effective approaches for multi-attribute interfacematchingandintroduced an interface conflicts coordination mechanismamong multi-disciplinary participants. Practically, this dissertation designed and developed a web-based integrated interface management system, whichcan provide technical guidancefor integrated test,eliminateunnecessaryinterface conflicts and wasteand further facilitate process control for the finalsystem acceptance.This dissertationhasprovidedessential merits for the research andpractice ofinterface management.

Key words:MetroConstruction, Interface Management, Integrated Test, Integrated Management, Information Technology.