摘 要
本文研究的展馆工程虽然规模大、交叉作业频繁,形成的合同数量较多,但可以利用完善的合同策划保证内部工作的效率,减少合同后续管理中的矛盾和纠纷。本文结合合同策划的理论知识对武汉国际博览中心展馆工程的合同策划进行了研究。首先研究了如何设立公司合同管理组织以及从哪些方面制定合同管理制度;其次根据项目特点得出项目适用 BT 融资模式和施工总承包模式,并在此基础上绘制了项目的合同分解结构图,定量地分析了桩基施工合同合理的标段数;再次研究了项目的 BT 合同,分析项目不同合同的计价方式的选择;最后从博弈论的角度研究了项目的招标方式为公开招标,在招标单位的选择中应设置资格预审,运用 AHP 方法对评标权重进行策划。
关键词:业主方 展馆工程 合同管理 合同策划 博弈论
There are sorts of disputes and claims between owners andcontractors in the project construction. These problems caused by one mainreason are that the
owners focus on contract management in the implementationand neglect of the contract programming. Contract programming which guaranteessuccess of the
project is the first step of contract management.
Because of amounts of contracts, the exhibition project needcontract programming to guarantee construction work efficient and reducedisputes caused in the project implementation. The thesis puts effort on thequestions of owners’ contract programming for exhibition project based on thetheory. In contract management programming part, this thesis studies thecontract management organization and contract management system. In contractstructure programming part, the thesis analyzes
the delivery of exhibition project---BTmode, draws the contract breakdown structure diagram and studies the dividingbid-sections. In the contract content
programming part, the thesis studies the BTmode contract contents which has no model contract recently, discusses thepricing method selection. At last, the thesis studies the choice of tender andthe selection of bidders by using game theory, and calculates the bidevaluation weight based on AHP.
In the future, the theory of contract programming should be combinedwith China’s actual situation by learning a lot knowledge and experience fromforeign countries to improve the owners’ contract management level and reduceunnecessary claims for compensation.
Keyword: Owners The Exhibition Project Contract Management Contract Programming GameTheory