

来源:   作者:  发布时间:2014年02月20日  点击量:


摘 要


   本文搜集国内外(国内为主)71 个地铁工程施工安全事故案例,分析典型案例的表示形式、内容特征及统计规律,并通过对特征的相似性、案例库的有效性和可操作性分析,论证历史案例重用的可行性,这也是进一步研究 CBR 技术的基础。CBR关键技术包括知识表示和检索,本文通过总结安全事故案例的多层次属性特征,提出以标识属性、分类属性、工程特征属性、事故过程属性、事故原因属性、事故后果属性、事故处理措施属性、案例应用属性等为基本属性的案例框架表示法,并设计分层检索和最近邻检索算法相结合的检索模型,提高案例库求解效率。

   针对单独使用 CBR 的局限性,本文在 CBR 系统中集成 RBR 系统,利用 RBR 制定案例检索策略,并设计 RBR 控制器实现灵活调用推理规则,实现主动干预推理过程,有效解决单一的 CBR 检索时遗漏最优解、相似度计算工作量大、解决方案适用


   要真正实现 CBR-RBR 混合系统应用还需要很长一段路要走,本文只是这方面的步研究。如何建立完善的案例积累和共享机制,是实现系统功能最为基础的部分,同时,还可考虑将险兆事件列入案例库中,使之成为预防事故发生的重要一环。

关键字:地铁工程  安全事故  案例推理  知识表示  检索  混合模式


   Subway  construction  is  a  high  risk  of  the  construction  works  due  to  its  complexityand  unpredictability.  Meanwhile,  because  subway  construction  accident  cases  had  beenscattered  around,  we  cannot  neither  arrange  them systematically  nor  utilize  them effectively.  The  paper  presents  case-based  (CBR)  and  rule-based  (RBR)  mixed-mode  todesign structural model of accident cases, which implements the reference function of riskanalysis,  predict  danger,  emergency  rescue  to  reduce  the  recurrence  of  similar  accident cases.  

   This article collects 71 subway project construction safety incident cases to analyzethe expression form, the content characteristic and the statistical rule. Then, the possibilityof  reusing  the  old  cases  that  is  also  the  basis  for further  study  of  CBR  has  beendemonstrated   by  the  similarity  of  characteristicthe  validity  and  operability  of caselibrary. CBR key technologies include knowledge representation and retrieval. This articlepresents  the  frame  knowledge  representation  by  summarized  multilevel  attributes,  likeproposed to identify attributes, classified attributes, engineering characteristics attributes,process attributes, cause attributes, consequences attributes and treatment measures asthebasic attributes. The combinational retrieval proposed is hierarchical search algorithm andthe  nearest  neighbor  algorithm,  which  improves  solution  efficiency  as  well  as  the representation.

   In the light of limitations of CBR alone, the CBR system has integrated RBR whichcan formulate the case retrieval strategy,at the same time, the RBR controller may transferthe  inference  rule  nimbly.  The  entire  process  may  solve  the  shortcomings  like  omittingoptimal solution, increasing similarity computation work, bad solution serviceability andenhance the system’s capability of self-learning.

   A lot of effort needs to be done to truly achieve CBRRBR hybrid system application,but  this  is  only  preliminary  research  in  this  area.  How  to  create  a  perfect  caseaccumulation  and  sharing  mechanism  is  the  most  basic  part of the  system  function. Furthermore,to add near-miss events into the case base is also a good way to make it a

risk trillion important part of accident prevention.

   Keywords : Subway  construction   Accident   Case-based  reasoning    Knowledge representation   Retrieval   Hybrid mode