

来源:   作者:  发布时间:2014年02月20日  点击量:


摘  要

   大型公共项目与人们生活密切相关,由于其场所内人员聚集而引起的疏散效率降低和踩踏概率增大,人员安全疏散问题已经是大型公共项目组织活动首先考虑的主要问题。BIM 技术是开展人员疏散的重要手段,近年来 BIM 技术的蓬勃发展为安全疏散领域的研究带来了新的活力。BIM 技术的应用不仅可以提供全面、准确的数据和信息,而且使得疏散环境的模拟更为真实。

   本文分析了人员疏散复杂的特性,提出了基于 Agent 的元胞自动机建模框架。针对框架的各个组成部分,给出了个体属性定义,分析了影响个体的感知、决策和行动等行为的因素以及建模的基本原则,介绍了借鉴元胞自动机思想对环境空间进行网格建模的基本方法。建筑信息模型有很强的现实描述能力,可以再现现实的疏散情形。针对目前大型公共场所只是单纯根据均一化的人员密度来进行人员容量控制的情况,从 BIM 技术角度出发,以某博览中心为例,运用了数学统计方法对其模拟结果进行分析。

   论文为了研究疏散人员构成、人员疏散速度快慢、障碍物数量及布局、疏散出口宽度和个数等因素变化对人员容量的影响,以及在安全疏散的前提下,某博览中心的最大容员量;在保证安全的条件下,  通过改善公共场所的疏散条件,可以增加容员量。安全疏散问题是为了通过建筑疏散性能的设计、人群聚集活动的系统规划和管理,维护群体行为秩序等手段来优化疏散过程,提高疏散效率。

关键词:安全疏散    BIM 技术    Agent 建模    元胞自动机    容员量


   Largescale  public facilities are closely  related to people's  lives,  because  of  theevacuation  efficiency  and  the  stampede  probability  increases  caused  by  the  peoplegathered in public facilities, evacuation of personnel safety is becoming the fundamentalconsideration  when  public  projects  organize  activities.  An  important  means  of  carrying out  the  evacuation  is  building  BIM  technology.  In  recent  years, the  vigorousdevelopment of the BIM  technology has  brought  new vitality to the safe  evacuationof research. The application of BIM technology can not only provide comprehensive and accurate information but also make the simulation environment more realistic.

       This thesis analysis the characteristics of evacuation complex adaptive system, andproposed the modeling framework for Cellular Automata based on Agent. According tothe  various  components  of  the  framework,  the  paper  analysis  factors that  affectindividual’s perception, decision, and behavior; and introduced the basic method draw ongrid modeling of environment space based on Cellular Automata. The simulation modelwhich  can  reproduce  the  reality  of  evacuation  is  of  great  practical  description.  Forlargescale public facilities control staff capacity simply according to the homogenizationof the occupant density, starting from BIM technology and make an Expo Center as anexample, to analyze simulation results by mathematical methods.

   The  thesis  obtains  staff  composition,  evacuation  speed,  number  of  obstacles  andlayout,  the  width  and  number  of  evacuation  outlet  factors  such  as  changes  impact  staffcapacity; the maximum capacity member of the Expo Center in the safe evacuation of thepremise;  and  increase  the  capacity  member  by  improve  the  evacuation  of  public  placesconditions. Safe evacuation in order to optimize the evacuation process and improve theevacuation  efficiency  by  designof  building evacuation,  the  crowd  system  planning  andmaintenance of group behavior, which has great impact to strengthen the safe evacuation of large-scale facilities and promote the application of BIM technology.

Keywords:  Safe  evacuation    BIM  technology    Agent  modeling    Staff capacity    Cellular Automata