

来源:   作者:  发布时间:2014年02月20日  点击量:


摘 要





关键词:城市轨道交通   土地储备    融资模式    运行机制    风险管理


   With  the  rapid  development  of  the  city's  economic,  urban  rail  transit,  which  isconvenient  and  environmental,has  gradually  become  the  focus  of  public  transportdevelopment in China and has entered a period of rapid development. At present, China'surban rail construction funds are mainly from the government financial allocation, whilethe land bank is a major focus of the work of the government and the land lease revenueis  a  major  source  of  the  financial  income.The  combination  of  turban  infrastructurefacilities  and  land  reserves  gives  the  valueadded  benefits  of  the  land  back  to  theconstruction  of  urban  infrastructure.  This  financing  model  does  not  only  improve  thespeed of land development, speed up the process of urbanization, but also alleviates thefinancial pressure of the government on the construction of urban rail transit, and leadsthe construction of rail transit to a model of sustainable development. Combiningof railtransportation  and  land  resources  development  model  in  the  Hong  Kong  subwayconstruction, the construction of the rail transportation has been widely used in operationwith China's national conditions, or there is a greater difference.  

   Firstly,  this  thesis  studied  the  traditional  financing  model  for  rail  transit,  analyzedthe shortage of the traditional financing models, came up with the development trend ofrail transit financing, proposed a sustainable financing model constituted by ―track + land‖, and made a comprehensive analysis of the typical mode of operation. On the basis of the analysis of application experience, land package in the feasibility and necessity ofthe  financing  model  were  discussed,  and  at  the  same  time,  indepth  research  on  itsoperating  mechanism  were  made,  including  operating  procedures,  operating  principles, and so on. Then, this thesis proposed the concept of risk management for the financing model, analysis the major risk factors of the construction of rail transit in the use of theland reservation financing, andestimated the financing model quantitatively for the riskfactors by the risk analytical model of risk profit and profit ratio. Finally, combining with the actual case of using the land reservation financing in the urban railway construction of  Wuhan  City,  the  author  made  both  qualitative  and  quantitative  analysis  by  using  therisk assessing model andpresented some corresponding risk management advices.

   This study provided both theoretical and practical basis for the urban rail transit touse  the  land  reservation  financing  model.  Departure  from  the  theoretical  and  practicalcases, this paper further  confirmed the feasibility and necessity of the financing model,analyzed  and  evaluated  the  risk  factors  in  the  land  reservation  financing  model, fulllydemonstrated the sustainability of the model, and proposed the risk control measures tosafeguard the effective implementation of the financing model.

   Key words: Urban Rail Transit      Land Reserve     Financing Mode    Operating Mechanism     Risk Assessment