摘 要
关键字:路桥工程 作业成本法 成本动因 作业计算 作业管理
Cost management controlling is necessary for the construction enterprise to get theprofit from projects. There are many problems such as the bad cost management, thedifficulty to control cost accurately in most construction enterprise with the traditional costcalculation and management approaches. However, with the development of projectmanagement information, the overhead expenses increase great and cost managementrequires more and more subtle. So the disadvantage of traditional cost calculationapproach also increased.Activitybased costing is an advanced method of cost accountingand cost management, which bases on activities and takes cost drivers as media and offsetthe traditional management.
In this paper, the defect of traditional cost accounting is analyzed and then introducedthe activitybased costing with the character of road bridge construction. The model of theactivitybased costing was built with confirm of activities resource cost and the productcost. Finally the feasibility of activitybased costing applying to the road bridge was demonstrated with the accurate accounting and activities management. Then the application of the activity-based costing in the road bridge construction cost management is finished.
The application of activitybased costing to the road bridge in this paper is valuablewith accurate accounting and new management approach. But how to confine theactivities and the cost drivers is the key of the activitybased costing application which is the meaning of the dissertation and also the focus of the current scholar.
Keywords : Road Bridge Construction Activity-Based Costing Cost Drivers Calculation of the Activities Management of the Activities