摘 要
关键词:城市房屋拆迁; 市场比较法; 补偿制度; 补偿原则; 显性补偿因素; 隐性补偿因素
The activity of house removal and resettlement, which is concerned with benefit ofcitizens and stability of the society and the development of the country’s economy, hasexperienced more than 20 years, with the trend of increasedurbanization. For a real estatedevelopment project, the task of house removal and resettlement is also crucial, whichwould possibly harm to investment and schedule and quality of the whole project ifmanagerial job has notbeen done properly. As a matter of fact, this kind of problem isinclined to be happening more due to current enhancement of urbanization. Under thissocial circumstance, this paper aims to reduce controversy happening during the process of house removal and resettlement.
Firstly, this thesis gives some introduction about basic knowledge of house removaland resettlement, mainly concerned with the usual process of house removal andresettlement and the relative house appraisal approach. Secondly, it points out the deficiency of house removal and resettlement policy related to current system and mechanism. Furthermore, a new mechanism is promoted to correct the deficiency. Thirdly,it analyzes the disadvantages of current house removal and resettlement principle whichcompensation system is based on. Plus, a new compensation principle has been brought up and also a new compensation system which is established on it. Lastly, this thesis mainly focuses on quantification of the three invisible compensation factors, which is establishedin the new compensation system, by using fuzzy mathematics method. After thequantification of each invisible factor, a practical case has also been given to test the new method of calculating the compensation price. And also, this thesis has given some suggestion for the future relative study.
Keywords: Urban house removal and resettlement; Market comparison appraisalapproach; Compensation policy ; Compensation principle; Invisible compensation factor; Visible compensation factor