

来源:   作者:  发布时间:2014年02月20日  点击量:


摘 要





关键词:风险管理    造价管理    风险性造价    不确定性    蒙特卡罗法


   Construction  project  cost  management  is  an  effective  method  to  control  projectinvestment and increase income. However, much uncertainty and risk exist in the course ofproject  construction,  which  brings  uncertainties  to  the  project cost. Therefore, constructionproject cost can be divided into certain cost and risk cost. The risk cost happens randomly,which lies on the occurrence of related risk. Risk cost is the focus of cost management, butcurrent cost management theory fails to provide guaidance in this area. The thesis will focuson the technique research on risk cost management, and propose an resolvent for the wide cost management in China.

   The  thesis  first  outlines  the  definitions  of  construction  project  cost  management  andconstruction project risk managementand studies the relationship between project risk andrisk  cost,  based  on  which  the  cost  risk  management  model  for  construction  projects  isdeveloped to realize the integrative management of risk and cost. Two sections of the thesisare organized to systematically study this theory. The first one proposes the research methodon construction project cost information, and specifies the factors influencing costs. Then thetechnique  of  detecting  and  measuring  the  costrisk  factors  is  studied,  and  Monte  CarloSimulation  is  introduced  to  calculate  the  risk  cost.  The  second  section  investigates  the method of controlling construction project risk cost.

   The  thesis  proves  that  Monte  Carlo  Simulation is  an  effective  cost  calculation  method,and  analyzes  the  feasibility  and  necessity  of  the  project  cost  risk  management,  whichprovides the technical and methodological support for the risk management for construction projects.

    Keywords:Risk Management     Cost Management     Risk Cost     Uncertainly    Monte Carlo Simulation