

来源:   作者:  发布时间:2014年02月20日  点击量:


摘 要






关键词:动态联盟    全寿命周期管理    组织结构    运作流程    项目管理


   In  recent  years,  with  the  development  of  integration  technology  and  informationtechnology,  construction  projectmanagement  is  going  through  a  new  transformation.Dynamic  alliance  theory  has  been  applied  and  spreaded  in some  degree  in  constructionproject management. But the course of construction project management is very complexinvolving with wide operation coverage and numerous participants. Facing the challengeof variational market, how to grasp the market opportunity to realize the entire lifecyclemanagement  of  construction  project,  becomes  important  object  of  the  transformation  of construction project management, and also is the interesting academic topic.

   Some  researches  have  been  reported  on  the  organization  and  management  ofconstruction  projects  in  the  theory  and  the  practice  aspect  of  integration  technology,constructing dynamic alliance with partner and so on. But the theory system has not beenestablishedand further researches are needed in many aspects. In this paper, by aiming atthe  characteristic  of  construction  project  and  depending  on  the  theories  of  dynamicalliance and entire lifecycle management, the pattern of entire lifecycle dynamic alliancemanagement of construction project was brought forward, and the meanings, principle andspecialty  of  entire  lifecycle  dynamic  alliance  management  of  construction  project  wasintroduced also.The paper emphasized on researches of entire lifecycle dynamic alliancemanagement of construction project on the following aspects.  

   Firstly,  the  paper  analyzed  the  organization  structure  of  entire  lifecycle  dynamicalliance body of construction project, the chief alliance owners, the phase alliance ownersand other league enterprises, and introduced the supporting systems in operation of entire life-cycle  dynamic  alliance  management  of  construction  project  of  contract  including bondsupport,  core  capabilitysupport  and  information  technologysupport  et  al.  Then,encircled  on  the  question  how to  realize  entire  lifecycle  management  of  constructionproject,  the  paper  analyzed  the participation  degree  and scope  of  each  participant  in  theentire  lifecycle  dynamic  alliance  of  construction  project,  and  expatiated  the operationflow  of  each  classified  phase  in  the  course  of  entire  lifecycle  dynamic  alliance  ofconstruction  project  including  decision  phasedesign  phaseconstruction  phase  andoperation  phase.  At  the  same  time  information  flow  analysis  about  the  chief  allianceowners  and  the  phase  alliance  owners  was  expatiated  also.  Finally  the  paper  discussedproject  management  of  entire  lifecycle  dynamic  alliance  management  of  constructionproject  on  the aspects  of  quality  management,  schedule  management,  cost  management,risk management, information integration management and culture management.

   The research achievements of this paper has certain instructional significance to thetransformation  of  construction  project  management,  and  also  put  forward  new  ideas  andways to the development and practice application of dynamic alliance.  

Keywords: dynamic alliance     entire life-cycle management     construction    operation flow     project management