

来源:   作者:  发布时间:2014年02月20日  点击量:







In today'sincreasingly fierce competitive environment, organizations have sought tooutsource facilities management business. The outsourcing of facilitiesmanagement can significantly improve management efficiency, reduce operatingcosts, and improve service quality, thus enable organizations to focus moreclearly on the core business. However, the facilities management outsourcingoften did not receive adequate attention, relevant research was very lack. Thisarticle studies on facilities management outsourcing systematically, for moreeffective implementation of outsourcing strategy to enhance the competitivenessof the organization.

This articleanalyzes the whole process of facilities management outsourcing, by referencingother areas of theoretical research results, combined with facilitiesmanagement’s own characteristics. As the basis of outsourcing, it needs toidentify the activities of facilities management. Because the development offacilities management isn’t very mature, so this paper firstly study onfacilities management related theories. This paper concludes that thetheoretical basis of facilities management outsourcing is the corecompetitiveness theory, the transaction cost theory and principal-agent theory,and explore the variety outsourcing and management models, subsequently analyzetheir own characteristics and conditions of application. Then, this paperanalyzes the whole process of facilities management outsourcing implementation,proposes an outsourcing decision-making model, based on AHP method establishesan outsourcer selection model, and applies SERVQUAL methods for outsourcing servicesquality assessment. At last, combination with the practical of Wuhan TobaccoGroups, this paper builds the facilities management outsourcing systemmodeling.

This paperstudies facilities management outsourcing on a certain degree, provides a wholeprocess management model of facilities management outsourcing, and analyzes thekey point of the implementation, changing the traditional way of over-relianceon experience with no qualitative and quantitative analysis. This work givessome direction of successful implementing on facilities management outsourcing.In foreign countries, the research of facilities management has over 30 years,but in Chinait just begun to develop. This research work would play a role in promotingfacilities management’s development in our country.

   Key words: Facilities Management    Outsourcing   Organization Model    Whole Process Management    System Modeling