摘 要
关键词:地铁车站 地下空间建设用地 立体地价 机会成本 价格评估
Becauseof the rapid urbanization in our country, many big cities faced to the problemssuch as traffic and lack of land, the construction of subway became the bestway to solve those problems. At the same time, the construction of subway ladedto largescale development of underground space. But the construction ofunderground space was not lasted very long in our country, and there weren’tcomplete law system of the development of the underground space, especiallythere weren’t any laws or market rules about the transaction of underground landof the subway station, those ware very bad for the development of the undergroundspace. In order to use the underground space of the subway station more effective,the problems of the right and the cost estimating of the underground space inthe markettransactions must be discussed.
Baseon the definition of the subway station of underground space, the analysis ofthe theory and the legal right about underground space, this paper proposedthat when the underground space of subway station was developed, the main rightwhich involved was the land use right and only that was the main right which shouldbe transact. Then solutions of the problems which might happen in the primaryland market and the secondary land marketwere arisen. The comprehensive legal system of theunderground space of subway station ensured the rights and obligations duringthe development processes.
As theneed of the cost estimating of the underground land, this paper introduced avaluation method of the underground land which suit for China'sspecific national conditions. The method which introduced in this paper wasproposed under the support of the legal right of the underground space, theanalysis of evaluation methods which were usually used at home and abroad, andbased on the principle of opportunity cost. The method of the underground landcost estimating was in accordance with the following steps, the firststep of the underground land cost estimating method was to analysis the mainfactors of the underground land price, the second step was to determinethe utilization of underground space in subway station, and thethird step was to determine the price of the underground land in the subwaystation. In addition, this paper proposed the evaluation order whichshould be obeyed when the underground land was calculated and what should benoticed when we use the method in the reality operation.
Finally, the feasibility of the evaluation method which proposed in thispaper was proved by the actual case of the underground land price calculationof the Hongshan Square stationin the Wuhansubway.
Keywords: Subway Station UndergroundLand Tridimensional Land Value Opportunity Cost Cost Estimating