摘 要
本文首先详述了国内外斜拉桥建设及施工控制发展的现状和发展趋势,然后对斜拉桥线形施工控制的重要性、主要内容、思想方法、影响因素、施工控制系统进行了概述,并对在线形施工控制中常见的四种预测与控制理论进行了对比分析,探讨了人工神经网络应用于斜拉桥线形施工控制的合理性。以自适应控制法为指导方法,以某斜拉桥的线形施工控制具体的实施方案为基础,建立了某斜拉桥的线形施工控制系统和主梁轴线偏差的 BP 神经网络预测模型,该控制系统包括施工控制组织管理分系统、结构状态监测分系统、数据管理分系统、安全预警管理分系统、结构仿真计算与分析分系统五个组成部分,重点介绍了此控制系统主要模块的服务功能;同时运用所建立的轴线偏差预测模型,并以部分节间主梁的实际监测数据为样本数据和测试数据对其主梁轴线偏差进行了预测,验证了线形施工控制系统和 BP 神经网
关键词:斜拉桥;线形控制;控制系统;BP 神经网络;轴线偏差;自适应控制法
With the employment of highstrength structural materials and the development ofconstruction technique method,the Cable-Stayed Bridge will be more light and flexible. And its span is larger. The Cable-Stayed Bridge is high-Statically Indeterminate Structure.During its construction, the variation of structural internal force and main beam linearisvery complicated. Meanwhile, there is much uncertain factor. Therefore, the constructioncontrol is very important to the CableStayed Bridge. In particular, its successful linearcontrol is related to the Structural safety of the stateof the whole bridge.
First, the thesis introduced the present situation of the CableStayed Bridge’sconstruction and construction control. Second, it summarized the linear constructioncontrol of the CableStayed Bridge, including importance, main contents, supervisingmethod, factor, precontrol theory and construction control system, and Artificial Neuralnetworkis help for the linear construction control of the CableStayed Bridge. Third,Taking the adaptive control method for the supervising method, based on the plan of theconstruction control of a CableStayed Bridge, the thesis established a BP neural networkprediction model for axis deviation of main girder, and put forward a construct controlsystemwhich included construction control organization management, data management,structural states monitoring, structural simulation analysis, and safety early warningmanagement. Finally, the thesis designed a software for the bridge’s linear construction control system, and introduced the function of its main modules. After that, the thesis used
the prediction model of axis deviation for a CableStayed Bridge, the application value ofBP neural network and the linear construction conctrol system for the Cable-Stayed Bridge’s pre-control is verificated.
Key words: Cable-stayed Bridge; Linear Control; Control System; BP Neural Network; Axis Deviation;Adaptive Control Method