随着我国地铁建设的高速发展,地铁建设过程中的安全问题备受关注。其中,施工人员的不安全行为是导致事故的直接原因,而安全培训是控制不安全行为的重要手段。与其他行业相比,我国建筑业的施工安全管理水平比较落后,现有的安全培训活动效果不佳。现有研究未揭示安全学习的认知过程和体系,也未能从认知的角度讨论安全培训的改善机理。因此,本研究在回顾了现有对安全管理、不安全行为及安全培训的研究基础上,针对地铁施工安全学习的障碍及特点,从分析认知机理、促进认知过程的角度,研究了安全学习的内容、体系及学习机制,开发了地铁施工人员安全学习系统,并结合工程实践对其进行了实证分析。 首先,本文针对地铁施工安全学习的特点,构建了基于认知理论的地铁施工安全学习体系。根据不安全行为的原因和认知机理,提出安全学习的结果包括安全态度、安全知识和安全技能,因此,结合现有的学习理论以及地铁工程安全学习的特点,本文针对以上三种不同的学习结果,提出了地铁施工安全学习的策略。 针对安全态度的改善,探索了不安全行为倾向的影响因素和影响路径。本文创新性地提出施工人员的安全态度的矛盾性对于不安全行为倾向的形成有调节作用,因此需要在安全学习过程中消除相互矛盾的信息源及团体影响。特别地,在问卷设计的过程中考虑了社会倾向偏见的影响并加以控制。针对地铁施工安全知识的学习,研究了提高安全知识传递的方法,本文创新性地提出了通过语义分析,从安全规程和现场巡视照片中提取安全知识的方法,构建了安全图式;并讨论了以促进表象的展示与理解,将安全知识以图像的形式编码和表达的方法,在此基础上构建了地铁施工安全行为知识库。针对安全技能的学习,探讨了可能的学习途径与途径的优选,本文创新性地构建了施工人员技能学习的模型,讨论了不同特点的施工人员技能学习途径的不同模式,在此分析的基础上开发了互动式情境模拟安全技能学习系统。 最后,本研究在需求分析和详细设计的基础上,依托地铁施工行为安全知识库,设计和开发了地铁施工人员行为安全培训系统。最后,本研究对武汉地铁某工地进行了实证分析,结果表明使用该系统进行安全培训促进了安全绩效的提高。 本研究在理论层面构建了基于认知理论的地铁施工安全学习体系,分析了通过安全培训控制不安全行为的模式,在实践层面基于认知心理学设计的地铁施工安全学习系统,有效地促进了安全学习,改善了地铁施工项目的安全。本研究为安全培训的研究和实践提供了新的视角和方法,具有重要的指导意义。
The fast development of metroconstruction in China brings the occurrence of accidents and caused mass publicattention. Existing research suggested that unsafe acts of construction workerswere an essential attributes of accidents. Compared to other industries, thesafety management in Chinese construction is lacking behind and theconventional safety training programs are confronting a series of problems thatlead to inefficiency in safety training. As a result, it is necessary toexplore the mechanism of the safety learning of construction workers. This dissertation reviewed theexisting research on safety management, unsafe acts and safety training, andbrought up a framework to improve safety learning on metro constructionworkers. The framework was based on the theories, techniques and methods incognitive psychology, and targeted in the essential of the learning of safetyattitude, safety knowledge and safety skills. Moreover, this dissertationintroduced an empirical study of this safety learning program. Firstly, this dissertation analysedthe attributes and categories of unsafe acts, and suggested that safetyattitude, safety knowledge and safety skills were the main reason of unsafeacts. In this way, it discussed the characteristics of the safety learning inmetro construction and brought up the mechanisms and improving strategies ofsafety learning by applying the cognitive learning theories of Gagne, Banduraand Piaget. Furthermore, it discussed the core issues in the improvement of safetyattitude, safety knowledge and safety skills and studied on these issuesseparately in the following three chapters. Regarding to the improvement ofsafety attitude, this dissertation discussed the factors and influencing pathsof the intent to act unsafely and the most effective way to intervene theintentional unsafe acts and violations. The questionnaire survey suggested thatthe safety cognition, social norms and self-efficiency were the three factorsleading to unsafe intents; furthermore, the attitude ambivalence mediated inthe influence of the intent to act unsafely. In terms of the transfer of safetyknowledge, this dissertation discussed the mechanism of human information processingand argued that the schema and visual materials were useful for effectivetransfer of safety knowledge. Then it developed the method to extract safetyknowledge from regulations and patrol photos, and to build the safety schema ofthe workers and the visible objects, as well as the method to demonstratesafety knowledge visually. With regard to the accumulation of safety skills,this dissertation analysed the possible pathways of skill learning andsimulated the most effective pathway in heterogeneous groups of metroconstruction workers, and developed an interactive virtual scenario trainingplatform. Lastly, this dissertationintroduced the web-based safety learning system and the implementation ofsafety learning in metro construction after the requirement analysis anddetailed design. The system was then implemented in several metro constructionsites in Wuhan and it was found that the workers showed satisfaction of thesafety learning program and the system improved safety performance effectively. Theoretically, this dissertationbuilt the framework of safety learning of metro construction based on cognitivetheories, and analysed the methods to eliminate unsafe acts with safetylearning. Practically, this dissertation designed and developed a safetylearning system, which successfully improved safety learning and the safetyperformance in the metro projects. This dissertation provides essential meritsfor the research and practice of safety learning with new perspective andmethods.
Key words: Behavioural Safety,Cognitive Psychology, Information Technology, Safety Learning, SafetyManagement